Dental Assessment Program

Aged care facilities consider oral care an important part of the holistic care and well being of their residents, many of whom are unable to access external dental assessment services. It is important that we take measures to ensure that dental needs are addressed.
We offer what has proven to be a very popular on-site full dental assessment service to residents. This annual program is totally administered by Advance Oral with both residents’ families/carers and your aged care facility receiving a copy of our report.
The cost of these services are outlined below and are payable by the resident, unless we are notified that the resident is a Gold card recipient of Veteran Affairs.
The Denture Identification service bonds the resident’s name permanently inside the existing or new dentures, hearing aids and spectacles and is strongly recommended as it greatly minimises the risk of loss. A no charge professional clean is also carried out during this procedure.
Full Dental & Denture Check $42.00

Denture Cleaning/
Permanent Identification $25.00 per denture
Hearing Aids $12 each
Spectacles $12 per pair
(Prices are current as at 1/1/17, and are subject to change without notice)
Permanent Identification $25.00 per denture
Hearing Aids $12 each
Spectacles $12 per pair
(Prices are current as at 1/1/17, and are subject to change without notice)